Living God's Welcome

Our Purpose

Faithfully living, loving, and serving in God's grace

We are a Christ-centered faith community, which passionately seeks to recognize and participate in the work of the Holy Spirit in Ashland and beyond.



Our worship services happen each Sunday in the morning  and include a time of singing, congregational prayer, and preaching. 


Communion is observed every Sunday.


Morning Worship |  9:30 am

Fellowship | 10:30 am

Sunday School | 10:45 am


Suzanne How, Pastor

Ordained in 2017, I am a second career Pastor. After serving in the United States Marine Corps for 27 years (including 3 tours in Iraq), I wanted to realize my dream of studying the Bible and theology in graduate school. While I was working on a Master of Arts in the New Testament, I felt the call to ordained ministry and completed a Master of Divinity degree at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN.

My first call was in rural Gage county at a two-point parish for 4 years. I was transitional associate pastor at First Lutheran in Lincoln for 6 months before being asked to serve as transitional minister for American Lutheran in Oct 2022. I was called to be the Pastor of American Lutheran Church in October of 2024. I love leading worship, preaching on the Scriptures, teaching, and working with others to keep activities fresh and fun. I most enjoy being part of a congregation that loves to be in connection with God and each other, and in service to the community and wider world.

Kellie Morin, Office Manager

Kellie has been serving American Lutheran Church for 4 years as the office manager.  Kellie has 4 children: Michael, Melody, Harmony, and Kellen. Her hobbies include cooking, and anything to do with music. Kellie finds peace serving ALC and it allows her to share her gifts with the Ashland community as well. She is excited about the growing ALC congregation and Ashland community.


1941 Silver St. Ashland, NE 68003 

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